Kariyerinize Özel İngilizce İle
Eğitiminizi Dünya Standardına Yükseltin
Dünyadaki bütün eğitim kurumlarının kapılarını açan ve küreselleşen dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde kariyer hedeflerinin gerçekleştirilmesini sağlayan akademik İngilizce derslerini içerir.
TOEFL Hazırlık
Dünyadaki birçok üniversite tarafından kabul edilen ve özellikle Amerika’daki üniversite ve kolejlerin tercih ettiği TOEFL sınavına zenginleştirilmiş özgün materyaller ile hazırlıyoruz.
Dersin İçeriği
Bu ders,
TOEFL sınavından alınan örneklerle konuşma, okuma, dinleme ve yazma becerilerinizi geliştirip sınava hazırlanmayı,
Tecrübeli öğretmenlerin hazırladığı içerik ve pratik sınav taktikleriyle daha yüksek puan almayı,
Sınav stresi ile başa çıkmanın yolları ve stratejilerini kapsayan materyaller içerir.
Read long passages similar to those found on standard English exams. Answer complex, multi-part reading comprehension questions.
Strengthen your English skills by reading academic passages on a variety of topics. Through practice, you will become familiar with common question types found in the reading sections of the TOEFL.
Develop and sharpen your speaking skills by listening to a variety of native English speakers answer the most common speaking prompts from the TOEFL.
Prepare for and strengthen your TOEFL listening skills. Challenge yourself with upper-level listening activities!
This unit contains guides to the most common writing prompts on the TOEFL exam. Also, study real-life examples of essays and learn how to conquer the most intimidating writing exams!
IELTS Hazırlık
Dünyadaki birçok üniversite tarafından kabul edilen ve özellikle Avrupa’daki üniversite ve kolejlerin tercih ettiği IELTS sınavına zenginleştirilmiş özgün materyaller ile hazırlıyoruz.
Dersin İçeriği
Bu ders,
IELTS sınavından alınan örneklerle konuşma, okuma, dinleme ve yazma becerilerinizi geliştirip sınava hazırlanmayı,
Tecrübeli öğretmenlerin hazırladığı içerik ve pratik sınav taktikleriyle daha yüksek puan almayı,
Sınav stresi ile başa çıkmanın yolları ve stratejilerini kapsayan materyaller içerir.
Get the basics on IELTS from experienced teachers. Learn who the exam is designed for, how it is set up, and how you can set yourself up for success.
Work with everyday conversations, inspiring talks, and lectures to improve your listening skills. Along the way, you will get tips from teachers on how to ace the most common task types on the IELTS Listening and lots of opportunities for practice.
Study informational and academic articles to prepare for IELTS Academic Reading. Expert teachers will help you understand how to identify and plan for the kinds of questions you’ll face in the real exam.
Are you afraid of academic writing? With advice on writing strategies and examples of excellent responses to IELTS Academic Writing tasks, you’ll be much more confident after this unit!
Get to know how IELTS Speaking tasks are structured and what you should do to earn a top score. Watch videos and listen to everyday conversations, well-structured short talks, and analytical discussions to get the vocabulary and techniques you need most.
MBA Öğrencileri İçin Akademik İngilizce
MBA programında alınan dersleri, örnek olay çalışmaları, iş analizleri ve grup çalışmalarını anlamanızı ve MBA programını daha etkin bir şekilde tamamlamanızı sağlayan gerçek hayattan alınan, çok donanımlı ve zenginleştirilmiş eğitim materyalleri sunuyoruz.
Dersin İçeriği
Bu ders,
Ekonomi ve yönetim alanındaki ana prensipleri,
Teorik bilginin gerçek hayata aktarılmasını sağlayan birçok makale ve örnek olayları,
İşletme stratejileri ve büyümesi ile ilgili akademik konuşmaları ve sunumları,
Dünyaca tanınan birçok küresel şirketten alınan örnek olay çalışmaları içerir.
Learn from today's business leaders about how to advance your career and innovate in business during your MBA and beyond. Get advice on leadership and teamwork while you explore foundational concepts like accounting.
Develop strategies for reading economics textbooks to help you succeed throughout your graduate study. Practice using common elements of a textbook's structure to identify and summarize key concepts.
Explore big-picture business problems and strategic plans for business growth. Learn the terminology used in case studies and practice evaluating arguments on business strategy.
Data analysis is crucial for all modern business. In this unit, you'll learn how to understand instructions on data processes and to apply your findings in a business conversation or presentation.
Mühendislik Öğrencileri İçin Akademik İngilizce
Mühendislik fakültesinde başarılı olmak için, bu alanda okutulan ders kitapları ve gerçek derslerden alınan ödev ve projeleri kapsayan eğitim materyalleri sunuyoruz.
Dersin İçeriği
Bu ders,
Mühendislik alanında iyi derecede okuma ve araştırma yapma yeteneği kazanmayı,
Yapılan araştırma ve projeleri hem yazılı hem de sözlü olarak etkili ve akademik metotla sunma becerileri kazanmayı,
Bilimsel makale yazımı ile ilgili kriterleri yerine getirmek için stratejiler öğrenmeyi sağlar.
What does graduate school have in store for you? Listen to advice from students and instructors, and get first look into the types of readings and assignments you will encounter.
How do you find appropriate materials to read? What will they look like? Learn strategies to search for texts, read them critically, and cite them properly.
After looking at writing guides, you will read and analyze existing publications, using standard formats and techniques to understand abstracts and introductions.
In this unit, you will continue to understand how to write your own research reports using standard formats and techniques, with a focus on methods, results, and concluding discussions.
Communicating your research isn't just about writing. You will need to present your ideas in oral and visual formats too.
Akademik Okuma ve Yazma Becerileri
Uzman akademisyenler tarafından hazırlanan, üniversitelerde akademik okuma ve yazma ile ilgili tüm temel bilgi ve kavramları kapsayan, akademik metinleri etkili şekilde okuma ve yazma becerileri kazandıran eğitim materyalleri sunuyoruz.
Dersin İçeriği
Bu ders,
Akademik metinleri derinlemesine ve eleştirel bir şekilde okuma,
Hem okuma hem de yazma becerilerini geliştirmek için yaygın akademik metin türlerini analiz edip stratejiler belirleme,
Başarılı bir akademik yazı sürecindeki temel adımları belirleyip uygulama becerilerini kazandırır.
Writing is a fundamental part of your academic experience, so it is essential to learn the skills necessary to successfully undertake these assignments. In this unit, you will review the core aspects of academic writing and learn about valuable strategies and resources.
Reading is at the core of most graduate level work, whether you’re reading books, articles, textbooks, or collecting information for a literature review. This unit will help you develop skills and strategies to help you in all aspects of working with scholarly texts.
Many academic writing assignments follow strict conventions. Analyze the structure of common academic genres such as research reports, case studies, literature reviews, and white papers to learn how to write your own so you will be better prepared for your coursework.
Fine tune your writing skills by developing and expressing your ideas, identifying common mistakes, and understanding the importance of revision. Learn the basics of common citation styles and how they relate to ideas of intellectual property and communication styles.
The purpose of academic research is to contribute to the creation of new knowledge in your discipline. Learn how to develop your own research ideas into full research reports.
Lisans Öğrencileri İçin Akademik İngilizce
Akademik, sosyal, sağlık ve benzeri konular ile ilgili çeşitli ihtiyaçlar dikkate alınarak üniversitede başarılı olmak için gerekli İngilizce iletişim becerilerini kazandıracak eğitim materyalleri sunuyoruz.
Dersin İçeriği
Bu ders,
Üniversite hayatına başarılı bir geçiş için ihtiyaç duyulan temel becerileri,
Üniversite gereksinimleri ve hizmetleri hakkında bilgi edinmeyi,
Başarılı bir öğrencilik geçirmek için, mevcut öğrenci ve mezunların görüş, öneri ve deneyimlerini içerir.
Orientation is one of the first official steps of your college journey. In this unit, you will discover what you need to do to prepare for orientation and start considering how to make arrangements such as health insurance, finding a roommate, and getting a meal plan.
Once you've arrived at campus, how do you make it feel like home? In this unit, you will explore some of the lifestyle options your college has to offer, from dorms and clubs to Greek life and dining.
Studying at a university involves certain academic freedoms, choices, and responsibilities that may be new to you. In this unit, you will understand how your school's academic calendar and grade system work and gain insight into class requirements and registration.
You studied hard to get into college—now you'll need to keep up the good work. In this unit, you will encounter college-level study strategies including choosing a setting, taking lecture notes, and managing your time.
Being a college student has its challenges, but your school has many ways it can help. In this unit, you will get to know support services including math and writing help, office hours, and counseling.
In order to attend and pay for your classes, you will need to keep track of many different requirements and documents. In this unit, you will get an overview of your visa options as an international student and explore the most common ways to pay for your university Education.
Lisansüstü Öğrenciler İçin Akademik İngilizce
Lisansüstü eğitiminde başarılı olmak için, akademik, sosyal ve profesyonel hayata yönelik ihtiyaçlar dikkate alınarak gerekli İngilizce iletişim becerilerini kazandıran eğitim materyalleri sunuyoruz.
Dersin İçeriği
Bu ders,
Lisansüstü çalışmalarında başarılı olmak için ihtiyaç duyulan temel konseptleri,
Lisansüstü eğitimini tamamlayabilmek için üniversitelerin sunduğu imkan ve hizmetler hakkında bilgi edinmeyi,
Başarılı bir akademik kariyer için, mevcut öğrenci ve mezunların görüş, öneri ve deneyimlerini içerir.
There are several steps to complete before beginning your grad school journey. In this unit, you will discover what you need to do to understand your study program and make arrangements such as health insurance and housing.
You studied hard to get into grad school—now you'll need to keep up the good work. In this unit, you will encounter graduate-level study strategies including working on your thesis, finding and reading scholarly articles, and managing your time.
Being a graduate student has its challenges, but your university has many ways it can help. In this unit, you will get to know support services including writing help, advisor cooperation, and counseling.
In order to come to the U.S. and fund your studies, you will need to keep track of many different requirements and documents. In this unit, you will get an overview of your visa options as an international student and explore the most common ways to pay for your graduate education.
Graduate studies involve certain academic milestones and responsibilities. In this unit, you will understand how your university's academic calendar and grade system work and gain insight into requirements regarding research and coursework.
Graduate school is not just a time for learning—it's also a time for professional development. In this unit, you will gain insight into the importance of networking and learn how to foster relationships with other researchers, both online and in person.
Eşsiz İngilizce eğitimiyle iş sonuçlarını nasıl iyileştirebileceğinizi öğrenmek için Voxy’nin Küresel Çözümler Ekibi ile konuşun.